Your website’s design is just as important as your site’s content. You want your site to be visually appealing and easy to navigate so that your site is sticky and visitors hang around. You can find plenty of free news website templates on the Internet to give you a website in minutes. As you design your website and put every sidebar and widget in place, just make sure you’re not committing these website design deadly sins or your site’s success will be hindered.
Choose a name: Choosing a name for your business is very important, but it’s more so when it comes to online news portals. The website’s name has to send out a message that you are a sincere news agency, dedicated to bring the best and most happening news to your readers 24×7. It’s preferable that the name includes words like India, news, today, etc. and digits such as 24, 24×7, 365, etc. because that’s the in-thing.
Do you want to make money with your news site or will this be your personal hobby? Decide on a revenue stream, whether you’re looking to hire a full staff of news writers you need to pay or you simply want to cover the bandwidth costs of running your site. There are many ways to make money with your media site. From paywalls to selling online ads, you can choose multiple variations to best suit your personal goals for your news site.
Get investors: Unless you are willing to run your online news portal with your money, you need to get investors who are willing to pay for the website’s domain registration. If you aren’t able to convince anybody of your agency’s authenticity, you may simply build your business on any of the blogging sites, though it will fall short on the professionalism quotient.
Although you still need great SEO in your content, you can’t rely on SEO alone to put your site on the map anymore. You need active social media accounts to succeed. Don’t choose one social media platform over the other either. It’s easy to battle with the question of Twitter Vs. Facebook Vs. Google+ but the truth is, you need them all and they can work hand in hand to drive your audience to your news site.
Publish questionable content with equally questionable headlines: That means articles with some “facts” that are either not applicable in a local context or don’t have ample backing to be called facts. Specially publish intimate features about men and women’s health and about romance with attention seeking titles. These appear to be the big sellers, as indicated by the other news portals on a regular basis.
With solid social media writing skills, you can build an instant, loyal audience through social media. But if you feel like you’re being pulled in too many different directions and your social media activity begins to suffer, hire a social media manager to handle your social media accounts for you. The investment will be worth it.
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